July 09, 2013

Lookout Mountain/Buffalo Bill Museum

Where we went:  Lookout Mountain/Buffalo Bill Museum
What went wrong:  We wore jeans, which are hot and heavy.
What we did right:  Packed water bottles and a snack.
How you can avoid mistakes:  There are a few confusing turns on the trail, which aren't obvious on the map.  They are pictured below.

Buffalo Bill's Grave

Buffalo Bill's Grave

Buffalo Bill's Grave

View from Buffalo Bill Museum

View From Buffalo Bill Museum

View From Buffalo Bill Museum

Looking West From Buffalo Bill Museum

The trail head is across the parking lot from the museum.  Great buffalo burgers served in the gift shop.

The trail passes through Lookout Mountain Park.

Keep to the left over the rocky patches.
Watch for the arrow marker.
Hiker only trail, 0.5 miles, connects to the Lookout Mountain Trail.

Junction with the Lookout Mountain Trail.

 Head left  (uphill) to the Lookout Mountain Nature Center, 0.4 miles, or
right (downhill) to the Beaver Brook trail head, 0.6 miles.  We went downhill.

The trail winds through the trees,

and has a few rocky places.

The trail marker at the scree field.  This is the spur trail.
Take a right on the spur trail for views.
The Lookout Mountain trail makes a switch back to the right just beyond the marker before the scree field.               

The Beaver Brook trail begins to the left.  Follow the Lookout Mountain trail on a switchback to the right, and end up in a parking area on Lariat Loop Road.  There is a port-a-potty in the parking lot.

Turn around and retrace the route to the parking lot at the Buffalo Bill Museum.

Would we hike this trail again?  Yes.  We've been on it multiple times.